Senburi /Touyaku - left (126 L)

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Uemura 06-04-2009 126.jpg


Uemura 06-04-2009 126 UV.jpg

Museum number 126
Uemura number / title ; "Haze-some 25"
Folder location 2nd shelf
Sample location left (126 L)
Fiber type silk
Color olive green
Dyestuff (Japanese common name) センブリ /當薬 : Senburi /Touyaku
Dyestuff (botanical name) Swertia japonica (Schult.) Makino (Ophelia japonica (Schult.) Griseb.)
Plant part unspecified
Dyestuff extraction boiled in water
Auxiliary agent in dye bath -
Mordant iron
Other auxiliary agent -
Uemura's notes In a list of dye plants compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (1925-1978; currently the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries ), titled "Nrinsho Sanrinkyoku hen, Senryo-yo hompo shinrin shokubutsu ichiranhyo ()", use of roots of this plant as dyestuff was recorded.
Uemura's date Kyoto