Tama ai (fermented indigo)- center (276 C)

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Uemura 08-13-2009 276.jpg

Museum number 276
Uemura number / title ; "Haze-some 25"
Folder location 4th shelf
Sample location center (276 C)
Fiber type cotton
Color indigo blue
Dyestuff (Japanese common name) 玉藍 ; Tama ai
Plant part leaf / fermented
Dyestuff extraction fermented indigo cake was mixed with an animal glue (Nikawa), and rubbed onto the fabric using a rope
Auxiliary agent in dye bath -
Mordant -
Other auxiliary agent -
Uemura's notes This technique refers to "Fufutsu ()" documented in the Shiki Shinhongi () from the 1st century BC., China; "Fu-i () in the Nihon shoki () from 720 AD., Japan; and "Hari-ai-zuri () in the Jyougan-shiki () from the 8th century AD, Japan. More primitive method of this dyeing technique was also read in a classic poem in the volume 9, the Manysh () ,from the 7th -8th century AD.
Uemura's date Kyoto