UDel / Winterthur

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Art Conservation Program, University of Delaware and Winterthur Museum

The University of Delaware and the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library have a cooperative Master's Degree Program. "It is a three-year course leading to a Master's degree in Art Conservation and a Certificate in Conservation and designed to educate and train conservation professionals who can carry out the examination, analysis, stabilization and treatment of art and artifacts, are versed in general principles of collection care, and have a broad academic background in science and the humanities. The following subjects are to be studied: materials science, history of art, archaeology, and art and artifact technology, craft skills, cultural context, preventive conservation, treatment techniques and conservation history, ethics and philosophy. Major conservation specialty areas include: textiles, wood, paper, photographs, library materials, paintings, natural science collections, and anthropological, historical, decorative and art objects of all materials." (from website)

Web Address http://seurat.art.udel.edu/artcons/index.html
Postal Address Winterthur Art Conservation Program

University of Delaware

303 Old College

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 19716-2515

Phone 302 831 3489
Fax 302 831 4330
Contact art-conservation@udel.edu
Searchable No
Categories Research / training
Website Languages English