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[BIC] A registered trademark for a series of opaque white correction liquids that are used to cover unwanted letters and smudges on paper. Wite-Out® correction fluids were developed in 1966 through the collaboration of George Kloosterhouse and Edwin Johanknecht. The early formulations were water-based; they dried slowly and were removable with a drop of water. In 1981, the company added a line of faster-drying, solvent-based fluids as well as a white adhesive film called Wite-Oout correction tape.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Wite-Out® Correction Fluid; Wite-Out Correction tape; Wite Out (sp); White Out (sp); white-out (generic); whiteout (generic)

Resources and Citations

  • The American Heritage Dictionary or Encarta, via Microsoft Bookshelf 98, Microsoft Corp., 1998