Galvanized steel

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Steel sheets coated with Zinc either by dipping in the molten metal or by electrodeposition. Zinc provides a sacrificial coating that is preferentially corroded. Galvanizing may protect from atmospheric corrosion for 15 to 30 years or more. The degree of protection is directly proportional to the thickness of the zinc layer. Galvanized steel has been used for roofing, siding, and ductwork in housing construction.

Synonyms and Related Terms

acier galvanisé (Fr.); acero galvanizado (Esp.); gegalvaniseerd staal (Ned.); aço galvanizado (Port.)

Resources and Citations

  • Encyclopedia Britannica, Comment: "galvanizing" [Accessed October 18, 2001].
  • Jean Tétreault, Products Used in Preventive Conservation – Technical Bulletin 32, Canadian Conservation Institute, link

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