Tributyl tin oxide

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A organometallic tin compound that has been used as an Algicide and Fungicide. Tributyl tin oxide (TBTO) has been tried as a Wood preservative for brown rot fungi and insects but it was found to leave stains. TBTO has also been used to treat Algae and lichens on stone and mural paintings (Caneva et al 1991).

Chemical structure

Tributyl tin oxide.jpg

Synonyms and Related Terms

tri-n-butyl tin oxide; TBTO [Merck]; Thaltox [Wykamol, Ltd.]; hexabutyl distannoxane


  • Toxic. LD50=87-200 mg/kg
  • Contact may cause irritation.
  • Flash point = 232 C
  • Fisher Scientific: MSDS

Physical and Chemical Properties

Insoluble in water.

Composition C24H54OSn2
CAS 56-35-9
Density 1.17 g/ml
Molecular Weight mol. wt. = 596.08
Boiling Point 180 C

Resources and Citations

  • G.Caneva, M.P.Nugari, O.Salvadori, Biology in the Conservation of Works of Art, ICCROM, Rome, 1991

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