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Path through the Wheat by Millet; MFA# 17.1521


A cereal grass (genus Triticum) that has been cultivated for food since prehistoric times. Wheat is grown worldwide in temperate regions. The tall stalks (about 1 m) have heads of grain that are primarily ground into Flour for pasta, and bread. Wheat grain is also used for making Starch, Alcohol (beer), and feeding livestock. It contains carbohydrates (70%), and proteins (11-15%) with smaller amounts of minerals and vitamins. The wheat stalks, or Straw, are used for fodder, papermaking, and bedding.

1917 poster
MFA# Res.37.122

Synonyms and Related Terms

wheat straw

Physical and Chemical Properties

For paper fiber characteristics see Straw.

Additional Images

Resources and Citations

  • The American Heritage Dictionary or Encarta, via Microsoft Bookshelf 98, Microsoft Corp., 1998

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