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Any material used to fill or seal joints and openings. Many names have been used historically and commercially for these materials including:
[[Silicone resin|Silicone]] sealants, introduced in the 1960s, are still the primary type that is used in museums for building display cases.  These sealants often contain
[[fumed silica]], calcium carbonate, ground [[quartz]], [[carbon black]], talc, and plasticizers. There are two type of neutral cure RTV silicones.  The first type is an alkoxy neutral-cure that releases methanol upon cure.  The alkoxy neutral cure silicones are considered suitable for use on all types of metal without risk of corrosion. The second type is an oxime neutral-cure silicones that releases methyl ethyl ketoxime.  These withstand temperature better than alkoxy-cure but can cause stress-cracking in some plastic boards, such as polycarbonate and acrylics.
* caulking (noun); caulk (verb); calking (sp); cauking (sp.); sealant; putty; spackle
Other types of caulking materials that have been used include polyurethanes and latex. [[Polyurethane]] elastomers provide good abrasion resistance. Latex caulking, available in the late 1960s, eliminated the use of organic solvents. They typically contain a polymer emulsion (such as [[polyvinyl acetate]]) in water with calcium carbonate, plasticizers, and other additives.
For this database, the term 'Caulking' will be used. This table tries to include most types current commercial materials.
See also: [[Generic table of caulking materials]].
{| class="wikitable"  
{| class="wikitable"  
! Commercial   name
! Commercial name
! Company
! Manufacturer
! Composition
! Polymer type
! Properties
! Applications
! Applications
! Characteristics and Risks
! Maufacturers Descriptions (Characteristics and Risks)
! Material Analysis
! Product website
! Product website
! tech link
! SDS link
| Neoprene
| Dowsil 580 Neutral cure
| Dow Corning
| Polysulfide
| Silicone; oxime neutral cure; one component
| General Glazing; Weathersealing applications for windows, doors, glass, metal, masonry
| Not recommended for water immersion; do not use on structural glazing; may discolor copper and brass; cannot be painted; not for use on polycarbonates
| [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com/en-us/pdp.dowsil-580-glass-metal-and-masonary-sealant.04000651h.html#overview Dowsil 580]
| Dowsil 737 Neutral Cure
| Dow Corning
| Silicone; oxime neutral cure; one component
| Adhesion to most materials; Adhering plastic moldings to plastic substrates for trim applications; Waterproofing electrical components
| Not recommended for water immersion, or use on painted surface; may discolor brass, or copper; may stress craze polycarbonates
| MMA 2016; BKM 2017; BKM 2018; BKM 2018; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com/en-us/pdp.dowsil-737-neutral-cure-sealant.04098499h.html#properties Dowsil 737]
| Dowsil 739 RTV
| Dow Corning
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| Adheres well to unprimed metals, ceramis and glass and some plastics
| Does not adhere to teflon, polyethylene, polypropylene, or highly plasticized plastics or rubbers.
| MMA 2016; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com/en-us/pdp.dowsil-739-plastic-adhesive.01890611z.html#overview Dowsil 739]
| Dowsil 791 WeatherproofSealant
| Dow Corning
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| Good for inside display envelope: glass and metal joins; glass and glass joins; Goppion uses black, grey, white due to aesthetic reasons...transparent caulks yellow within 5 years
| MMA 2016; AMNH 2019; MMA 2021; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com/en-us/pdp.dowsil-791-weatherproofing-sealant.04082594h.html#overview Dowsil 791]
| Dowsil 795 Building Sealant
| Dow Corning
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| Extra thick; skins over too quickly
| Structural and nonstructural glazing; for most new construction and remedial sealing applications; weather sealing of most common construction materials including glass, aluminum, steel, painted metal, EIFS, granite and other stone, concrete, brick and plastics
| Not recommended for water immersion, or wet or cold surfaces; not  paintable
| MMA 2016; MMA 2020; MMA 2021; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com/en-us/pdp.dowsil-795-silicone-building-sealant.01595717z.html#tech-content Dowsil 795]
| Thiokol
| Dowsil 9-1374 Silicone sealant
| Dow Corning
| Polysulfide
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| Used for formed in place glaskets; provides strong flexible bond for movalble or expanding joints, such as when bonding<br />materials with different thermal expansion rates such as glass to metal, or glass to plastic or metal to plastic
| MMA 2016; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com//en-us/pdp.dowsil-9-1374-silicone-sealant.03119556h.html#overview Dowsil 9-1374]
| Dowsil 3145 RTV Mil-A-46146 Adhesive / Sealant
| Dow Corning
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| Skin over time=15 min; hard to work with; requires experienced person to apply and clean up; viscous, does not flow
| Sealing openings in modules and housings; <br />Adding mechanical stability to individual components; adheres to glass and nylon
| Good adhesion cannot be expected on non-reactive metal substrates or non-reactive plastic<br />surfaces such as Teflon, polyethylene or polypropylene.
| BKM 2016; BKM 2017; AWNH 2019; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com//en-us/pdp.dowsil-3145-rtv-mil-a-46146-adhesive-sealant.01059548z.html#tech-content Dowsil 3145]
| Dowsil 7091 Adhesive Sealant
| Dow Corning
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| Skin over time=15 min; This one has been used in museums
| Provides strong but flexible bond, such as when bonding materials with differing thermal expansion rates, e.g. glass to metal or glass to plastic
| For maximum adhesion, the use of DOWSIL™ 1200 OS Primer is recommended.
| BKM 2016; BKM 2017; MMA 2017; AMNH 2019; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [https://www.dow.com//en-us/pdp.dowsil-7091-adhesive-sealant.02436621h.html#tech-content Dowsil 7091]
| Silastic
| Dowsil 993
| Dow Corning
| Dow Corning
| Silicone rubber
| provides reliable, long-lasting  bonds with a wide range of substrates, including ceramics, metals, glass and  filled plastics,
| long service life, wide  operating temperatures, resistace to oils and solvents; water and steam  resistant
| https://www.dow.com/en-us/brand/silastic.html
| https://www.dow.com/content/dam/dcc/documents/en-us/catalog-selguide/11/11-39/11-3921-01-advanced-silicone-adhesives-and-sealants.pdf
| This one has been used in museums
| Clear  Museum Gel (Clear Quakehold Gel)
| Quakehold
| Organopolysiloxane
| https://www.quakehold.com/product/clear-quakehold-gel-4oz/
| Vulkem  116
| Silastic 1080 RTV
| Tremco
| Dow Corning
| Polyurethane; calcium carbonate,  titanium dioxide, aromatic naphthas and petroleum distillates;  trimethylbenzene; other components less than 1%
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| designed for  use on poured and precast concrete, masonry work, window and door perimeters,  and similar types of construction joints.
| Polyurethane single component,  moisture curing; paintable; very durable, abrasion resistant; flexible at low  temperatures. exterior use only; may be removed with xylene or mineral  spirits before curing; combustible producing toxic fumes
| https://www.tremcosealants.com/markets/commercial/sealants-adhesives/urethane-sealants/one-part-polyurethane-sealants/vulkem-116/
| file:///C:/Users/mderr/Downloads/Vulkem%20116%20Data%20Sheet.pdf
| https://www.tremcosealants.com/fileshare/msds/426724L_323_U.pdf
| Reprosil
| Dentsply
| Hydrohilic vinyl polysiloxane,  fillers (silicon dioxide, calcium sulfate, fumed silica, titanium dioxide)
| has been used for replicating  picture frame elements
| colspan="2" | good  detail reproduction and very little stretch
| https://www.dentsplysirona.com/content/dam/dentsply/pim/manufacturer/Restorative/Indirect_Restoration/Impression_Taking/Silicones_VPS/Reprosil_Quixx_Putty_VPS_Impression_Material/Reprosil-SDS-526385-kchbvml-en-1405.pdf
| Provides reliable, long-lasting bonds with a wide range of substrates, including ceramics, metals, glass and filled plastics,
| Long service life, wide operating temperatures, resistance to oils and solvents; water and steam resistant
| [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Dow: [[https://www.dow.com/en-us/brand/silastic.html Silastic RTV]
| Flugger
| Egosilicon 460
| Flugger
| EGO Dichstoffwerke GnbH & Co. Betriebs KG
| Butyl methacrylate, calcium  carbonate
| Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component
| spot filling, finish filling of  primed woodwork, plaster, concrete, anticorrosion metals.
| can be thinned or cleaned with  water; painted with latex or alkyd paints; may be susceptible to mold
| Timber,Metal,Glass,Sanitary,Enamel,Concrete,Plaster,Masonry,Fibre cement,Facades,Roof,Windows,Ventilation,Clean room,Marine,Ceramics,Air conditioning & heating,Masonry,Clinker,Tiles,Artificial stone
| https://www.talasonline.com/images/PDF/MSDS/Flugger_MSDS.pdf
| MMA 2018 white; MMA 2018 black; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| EGO: [https://www.ego.de/en/product/egosilicon460 Egosilicon 460]
| DAP  spacklling paste
| MC Bond 2K
| Promante
| Vinyl acrylic emulsion  copolymer, limestone, clay, quarts water
| Silicone; two-components neutral cure
| fills cracks and holes in  plaster, wood, and wallboard
| cleans with water; can be  painted; interior use only
| https://www.dap.com/products-projects/product-categories/patch-repair/drywall-spackling/spackling-paste/
| https://www.dap.com/media/3778/spackling-paste-tds_5-9-19.pdf
| https://www.dap.com/media/3775/7108001english.pdf
| DAP wood  dough
| Cellulose nitrate, cellulose  fillers, plasticizer, solvents
| fills cracks and holes in wood  and bookboards
| can be sanded, sawed and  drilled; interior use only
| no longer sold
| Adhesion on almost all surfaces (even wet), in most cases without primer, such as non-porous stone, concrete, mirrors, stone, plasterboard, polycarbonates, PS, PU, PVC and various plastics, ceramics, enamel, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum, stainless steel, trespassing, wood, glass, et
| Paintable. Leave no trace (on stone). UV and weather resistant, resistant to (sea) water, liquids, etc. Unique
| BKM 2016 ; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Promante: [https://www.promante.com/en/catalog/category/1/bonding/product/59/mc_bond_2k MC Bond]
| DAP  plastic wood
| PL 3X Premium Construction Adhesive
| Loctite
| Latex with limestone, fly ash,  titanium dioxide, quartz, clay, phenolphthalein
| Polyurethane; moisture cure; one component
| repairing  cracks, gouges, holes and other surface defects on wood and painted surfaces
| cleans with water; shrink, crack  and crumble resistant and provides strong nail and screw anchoring.  Interior/exterior use.
| https://www.dap.com/products-projects/our-brands/plastic-wood/
| https://www.dap.com/media/3710/plastic-wood-all-purp-filler-tds_12-16-2019.pdf
| https://www.dap.com/media/3707/7920001english.pdf
| DAP Kwik  seal caulk
| Acrylic/silicone, limestone,  water; mineral oil, texanol
| bonds like glue; seals like  caulk
| waterproof; mold/mildew  resistant; not paintable
| https://www.dap.com/products-projects/product-categories/caulks-sealants/latex/kwik-seal/
| https://www.dap.com/media/3368/kwik-seal-adhesive-caulk-white-almond_7-31-19.pdf
| https://www.dap.com/media/3365/1000901english.pdf
| DAP  Dynaflex 230
| Acrylic polymer, calcium  carbonate, water, silica, benzoates, ethylene glycol, glycol ethers
| weatherproof, high durabilitypaintable
| Can be used outdoors and in high humidity environments; bonds to most common construction materials such as wood, concrete, stone, masonry, brick,  carpets, metal, stainless steel, galvanized metal, lead, ceramic, rigid fiberglass, drywall, vinyl/PVC trim and molding and polyash trim.
| https://www.dap.com/products-projects/product-categories/caulks-sealants/latex/dynaflex-230/
| Low VOC content; Water resistant.   Not recommended for Water submersion applications or porous substrates
| https://www.dap.com/media/3492/dynaflex-230-white-colors_tds_2-9-19.pdf
| MMA 2017; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| https://www.dap.com/media/3489/1000101english.pdf
| Henkel: [https://dm.henkel-dam.com/is/content/henkel/tds-us-loctite-loc-pl-premium-3x-2019-12-12 Loctite]
| DAP  Extreme stretch
| Pactan 7043-1
| Tremco Illbruck
| Acrylic urethane, limestone,  bezoates, ethylene glycol
| Silicone; one-component
| seals windows, doors, trim,  siding, gutters, flashing, sinks, and countertops.
| no longer available
| waterproof and weatherproof;  does not crack or loose adhesion; paintable; seals gaps 3" wide, cleans  up with water; interior and exterior
| broad adhesion spectrum in electrics, electronics, household appliances, food contact, headlight bonding and many more.
| https://www.dap.com/products-projects/product-categories/caulks-sealants/latex/extreme-stretch/
| https://www.dap.com/media/3567/extreme-stretch-acrylic-urethanized-sealant-colors-tds.pdf
| https://www.dap.com/media/3564/4000301english.pdf
| ALEX  (all types)
| Siliconized acrylic polymer,   calcium carbonate, water, benzyl butyl 1,2-cyclohexyldicarboxylate; petroleum  distillates; glycol ethers
| low shrinkage; will not crack;  can be painted, waterproof; mold/mildew resistant
| MMA 2017; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| https://www.dap.com/products-projects/product-categories/caulks-sealants/latex/alex-plus/
| Pactan: [https://www.pactan.com/en_GB/individual-solutions/ Adhesives]
| https://www.dap.com/media/3430/alex-plus-acrylic-latex-caulk-wh-colors_tds_2-9-19.pdf
| https://www.dap.com/media/3427/1000201english.pdf
| Pactan 8051-1
| Tremco Illbruck
| Silicone; two-components
| no longer available
| Broad adhesion spectrum in electrics, electronics, household appliances, food contact, headlight bonding and many more.
| MMA 2017; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Pactan: [https://www.pactan.com/en_GB/individual-solutions/ Adhesives]
| GE
| Vulkem 116
| Tremco
| Polyurethane; moisture cure; one component
| For use on poured and precast concrete, masonry work, window and door perimeters, and similar types of construction joints.
| Paintable;  exterior use only; may be removed with xylene or mineral spirits before curing; combustible producing toxic fumes
| Tremco: [https://www.tremcosealants.com/markets/commercial/sealants-adhesives/urethane-sealants/one-part-polyurethane-sealants/vulkem-116/ Vulkem 116]
| Red  Devil
| Colorsil N
| Kawo Karl Wolpers
| Silicone; neutral cure; one-component
| Interior or exterior, vertical or overhead, concrete and masonry surfaces; Protects substrates from long term effects of water, environmental factors and pollution
| MMA 2018; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| Kawo: [https://www.kawo.de/produkt/kawo-colorsil/ Colorsil]
| Clear Supreme Silicone
| GE Sealants
| Silicone; moisture cure; one-component
| Water proof, mold and mildew resistant; strong adhesion; indoor/outdoor; contains chlorides
| MMA 2016; [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Materials_Testing_Results_-_Paints_and_Sealants Testing results]
| GE: [https://gesealants.com/supreme-silicone/ Supreme Silicone]
See also: [[Caulking materials, generic|Generic caulking materials]] and [[Silicone cure systems]]
* AIC Conservation Wiki: [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Caulk_Sealants_to_Seal_Exhibit_Cases Caulk Sealants to Seal Exhibit Cases]
[[Category:Materials database]][[MWG:Caulks]][[MWG:Comparisons]]
[[Category:Materials database]][[Category:MWG]][[Category:Caulks]][[Category:Comparisons]]

Revision as of 14:17, 3 February 2024

Silicone sealants, introduced in the 1960s, are still the primary type that is used in museums for building display cases. These sealants often contain Fumed silica, calcium carbonate, ground Quartz, Carbon black, talc, and plasticizers. There are two type of neutral cure RTV silicones. The first type is an alkoxy neutral-cure that releases methanol upon cure. The alkoxy neutral cure silicones are considered suitable for use on all types of metal without risk of corrosion. The second type is an oxime neutral-cure silicones that releases methyl ethyl ketoxime. These withstand temperature better than alkoxy-cure but can cause stress-cracking in some plastic boards, such as polycarbonate and acrylics.

Other types of caulking materials that have been used include polyurethanes and latex. Polyurethane elastomers provide good abrasion resistance. Latex caulking, available in the late 1960s, eliminated the use of organic solvents. They typically contain a polymer emulsion (such as Polyvinyl acetate) in water with calcium carbonate, plasticizers, and other additives.

Commercial name Manufacturer Polymer type Properties Applications Maufacturers Descriptions (Characteristics and Risks) Material Analysis Product website
Dowsil 580 Neutral cure Dow Corning Silicone; oxime neutral cure; one component General Glazing; Weathersealing applications for windows, doors, glass, metal, masonry Not recommended for water immersion; do not use on structural glazing; may discolor copper and brass; cannot be painted; not for use on polycarbonates Testing results Dow: Dowsil 580
Dowsil 737 Neutral Cure Dow Corning Silicone; oxime neutral cure; one component Adhesion to most materials; Adhering plastic moldings to plastic substrates for trim applications; Waterproofing electrical components Not recommended for water immersion, or use on painted surface; may discolor brass, or copper; may stress craze polycarbonates MMA 2016; BKM 2017; BKM 2018; BKM 2018; Testing results Dow: Dowsil 737
Dowsil 739 RTV Dow Corning Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Adheres well to unprimed metals, ceramis and glass and some plastics Does not adhere to teflon, polyethylene, polypropylene, or highly plasticized plastics or rubbers. MMA 2016; Testing results Dow: Dowsil 739
Dowsil 791 WeatherproofSealant Dow Corning Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Good for inside display envelope: glass and metal joins; glass and glass joins; Goppion uses black, grey, white due to aesthetic reasons...transparent caulks yellow within 5 years MMA 2016; AMNH 2019; MMA 2021; Testing results Dow: Dowsil 791
Dowsil 795 Building Sealant Dow Corning Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Extra thick; skins over too quickly Structural and nonstructural glazing; for most new construction and remedial sealing applications; weather sealing of most common construction materials including glass, aluminum, steel, painted metal, EIFS, granite and other stone, concrete, brick and plastics Not recommended for water immersion, or wet or cold surfaces; not paintable MMA 2016; MMA 2020; MMA 2021; Testing results Dow: Dowsil 795
Dowsil 9-1374 Silicone sealant Dow Corning Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Used for formed in place glaskets; provides strong flexible bond for movalble or expanding joints, such as when bonding
materials with different thermal expansion rates such as glass to metal, or glass to plastic or metal to plastic
MMA 2016; Testing results Dow: Dowsil 9-1374
Dowsil 3145 RTV Mil-A-46146 Adhesive / Sealant Dow Corning Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Skin over time=15 min; hard to work with; requires experienced person to apply and clean up; viscous, does not flow Sealing openings in modules and housings;
Adding mechanical stability to individual components; adheres to glass and nylon
Good adhesion cannot be expected on non-reactive metal substrates or non-reactive plastic
surfaces such as Teflon, polyethylene or polypropylene.
BKM 2016; BKM 2017; AWNH 2019; Testing results Dow: Dowsil 3145
Dowsil 7091 Adhesive Sealant Dow Corning Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Skin over time=15 min; This one has been used in museums Provides strong but flexible bond, such as when bonding materials with differing thermal expansion rates, e.g. glass to metal or glass to plastic For maximum adhesion, the use of DOWSIL™ 1200 OS Primer is recommended. BKM 2016; BKM 2017; MMA 2017; AMNH 2019; Testing results Dow: Dowsil 7091
Dowsil 993 Dow Corning This one has been used in museums
Silastic 1080 RTV Dow Corning Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Provides reliable, long-lasting bonds with a wide range of substrates, including ceramics, metals, glass and filled plastics, Long service life, wide operating temperatures, resistance to oils and solvents; water and steam resistant Testing results Dow: [Silastic RTV
Egosilicon 460 EGO Dichstoffwerke GnbH & Co. Betriebs KG Silicone; alkoxy cure with moisture; one component Timber,Metal,Glass,Sanitary,Enamel,Concrete,Plaster,Masonry,Fibre cement,Facades,Roof,Windows,Ventilation,Clean room,Marine,Ceramics,Air conditioning & heating,Masonry,Clinker,Tiles,Artificial stone MMA 2018 white; MMA 2018 black; Testing results EGO: Egosilicon 460
MC Bond 2K Promante Silicone; two-components neutral cure Adhesion on almost all surfaces (even wet), in most cases without primer, such as non-porous stone, concrete, mirrors, stone, plasterboard, polycarbonates, PS, PU, PVC and various plastics, ceramics, enamel, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum, stainless steel, trespassing, wood, glass, et Paintable. Leave no trace (on stone). UV and weather resistant, resistant to (sea) water, liquids, etc. Unique BKM 2016 ; Testing results Promante: MC Bond
PL 3X Premium Construction Adhesive Loctite Polyurethane; moisture cure; one component Can be used outdoors and in high humidity environments; bonds to most common construction materials such as wood, concrete, stone, masonry, brick, carpets, metal, stainless steel, galvanized metal, lead, ceramic, rigid fiberglass, drywall, vinyl/PVC trim and molding and polyash trim. Low VOC content; Water resistant. Not recommended for Water submersion applications or porous substrates MMA 2017; Testing results Henkel: Loctite
Pactan 7043-1 Tremco Illbruck Silicone; one-component no longer available broad adhesion spectrum in electrics, electronics, household appliances, food contact, headlight bonding and many more. MMA 2017; Testing results Pactan: Adhesives
Pactan 8051-1 Tremco Illbruck Silicone; two-components no longer available Broad adhesion spectrum in electrics, electronics, household appliances, food contact, headlight bonding and many more. MMA 2017; Testing results Pactan: Adhesives
Vulkem 116 Tremco Polyurethane; moisture cure; one component For use on poured and precast concrete, masonry work, window and door perimeters, and similar types of construction joints. Paintable; exterior use only; may be removed with xylene or mineral spirits before curing; combustible producing toxic fumes Tremco: Vulkem 116
Colorsil N Kawo Karl Wolpers Silicone; neutral cure; one-component Interior or exterior, vertical or overhead, concrete and masonry surfaces; Protects substrates from long term effects of water, environmental factors and pollution MMA 2018; Testing results Kawo: Colorsil
Clear Supreme Silicone GE Sealants Silicone; moisture cure; one-component Water proof, mold and mildew resistant; strong adhesion; indoor/outdoor; contains chlorides MMA 2016; Testing results GE: Supreme Silicone

See also: Generic caulking materials and Silicone cure systems

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