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[[File:WVTR single films Burke WAAC.gif|thumb|Water Vapor Transmission Rates<br>Source: * John Burke, [https://cool.culturalheritage.org/waac/wn/wn14/wn14-2/wn14-204.html Vapor Barrier Films]]]
[[File:OTR single films Burke WAAC.gif|thumb|Oxygen Transmission Rates<br>Source: * John Burke, [https://cool.culturalheritage.org/waac/wn/wn14/wn14-2/wn14-204.html Vapor Barrier Films]]]
== Description ==
== Description ==
A material, such as plastic, paper or metal, that is impermeable to gas or liquid. Modern barrier materials are usually made from lightweight transparent plastic sheets whose goal is to reach the barrier properties of a metal or glass. Metal sheets, such as [[aluminum foil]] have good barrier properties. They are often laminated with [[polyethylene]] and/or [[nylon%20resin|Nylon]] film to provide tear and corrosion resistance. Some plastics also work well as vapor barriers ([[polyvinylidene chloride]], [[polyester%20resin|Polyester]], rigid [[polyvinyl chloride]], [[polychlorotrifluoroethylene]], [[polyvinyl fluoride]]) while others are best for moisture (Polyvinyl chloride, [[regenerated cellulose]], Polyethylene, [[polypropylene]], [[polymethyl methacrylate]] (Hatchfield 2002). Multiple materials are laminated for optimized barrier properties. For anoxia treatments, films with low oxygen permeability are best.  
A material, such as plastic, paper or metal, that is impermeable to gas or liquid. Modern barrier materials are usually made from lightweight transparent plastic sheets whose goal is to reach the barrier properties of a metal or glass. Metal sheets, such as [[aluminum foil]] have good barrier properties. They are often laminated with [[polyethylene]] and/or [[nylon%20resin|Nylon]] film to provide tear and corrosion resistance. Some plastics also work well as vapor barriers ([[polyvinylidene chloride]], [[polyester%20resin|Polyester]], rigid [[polyvinyl chloride]], [[polychlorotrifluoroethylene]], [[polyvinyl fluoride]]) while others are best for moisture (Polyvinyl chloride, [[regenerated cellulose]], Polyethylene, [[polypropylene]], [[polymethyl methacrylate]] (Hatchfield 2002). Multiple materials are laminated for optimized barrier properties. For anoxia treatments, films with low oxygen permeability are best.  
Examples of some barrier films include:
== Barrier Film Comparisons==
* Single layer barrier films, such as used for short term applications include cling wrap (polyvinylidene) shrink wrap (polyethylene) and nylon (polyamide) films.
* Double-layer films made by thermoforming one material to another provide a better balance of impermeability to both moisture and oxygen, thus providing protection for longer durations. Multi-layer films provide the best protection and usually include combinations of the following: Ethylene-Vinyl alcohol (EVOH), aluminum foil, metallized polyester, nylon, and polyvinylidene chloride.  Polyethylene and/or polypropylene are often used to adhere layers together. 
Some commercial brands of heat-sealable, laminated barrier films include:
{| class="wikitable" style="vertical-align:bottom;"
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|- style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#FCE4D6;"
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! Tradenames
! Tradenames
! Composition layers
! Description<br>Composition layers
! Thickness (mils)
! Thickness<br>(Mils)
! Water-vapor transmission gm/m2 per 24 hours
! Water-vapor transmission <br>gm/m2 per 24 hours
! Oxygen transmission cc/m2 per 24 hours
! Oxygen transmission<br>cc/m2 per 24 hours
! Recorded tests<br>Brand name: number (dates)<br>See note below.
! Data sheet link
| [[Marvelseal 360]]
! [[Marvelseal]] 360
| [[nylon]]\[[polyethylene]]\[[Aluminum foil]]\[[polyethylene]]\LLDPE
| Superior tear and puncture resistance from air, light, and moisture; approved for direct food contact<br>[[nylon]]/[[polyethylene|PE]]/[[Aluminum foil|Foil]]/[[polyethylene|PE]]/[[Low density polyethylene|LLDPE]]
| 5.2 Mils
| 4.6 - 5.2
| 0.009 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 0.0006 - 0.009 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 0.009 (@ 0 RH, 73°F)
| 0.009 (@ 0 RH, 73°F)
| * Marvelseal 360: 1 (2018)
| [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wbrM7zyppXObb1DxRzqR8TTZGO_AWW8s-QXByBPlv6Y/edit?tab=t.0 Data sheet 1]<br>[https://embed.widencdn.net/pdf/plus/gaylord/rfavh0fzff/MARVELSEAL360MSDS.pdf?u=wqpqpv Data Sheet 2]
| Marvelseal 470
! FR 2175 <br>formerly [[Marvelseal]] 470
| [[polypropylene]]\[[polyethylene]]\[[Aluminum foil]]\[[polyethylene]]\LLDPE
| Superior tear and puncture resistance as well as protection from air, light, and moisture vapor<br>[[polypropylene|PP]]/[[polyethylene|PE]]/[[Aluminum foil|Foil]]/[[polyethylene|PE]]/[[Low density polyethylene|LLDPE]]
| 5.0 Mils
| 5.0 - 5.6
| 0.009 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 0.0005 - 0.009 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 0.009 (0 RH, 73°F)  
| 0.009 (0 RH, 73°F)  
| * Marvelseal 470: 1 (2019)
| [https://midsouthpackaging.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/MS470-Data-Sheet.pdf Data sheet]
! [[CadPak barrier film|Cadpak]] N
| Strong foil barrier material for very low oxygen and moisture levels<br>Biax [[Nylon]]/[[Polyethylene|PE]]/[[Aluminum foil|Foil]]/[[Polyethylene|PE]]
| 4.2 
| 0.0005 (90% RH, 40°C)
| 0.0005
| * Cad Pak N: 1 (2019)
| [https://www.militarybags.com/cadpak-n Cadpak-N]
! [[CadPak barrier film|Cadpak]] HD-100
| Heavy Duty barrier packaging: water-vapor proof, grease proof, flexible, heat-sealable<br>Biax [[Nylon]]/[[Polyethylene|PE]]/[[Aluminum foil|Foil]]/[[Polyethylene|PE]]/Heavy Duty Coex
| 7.3 - 7.9 
| 0.0005 (90% RH, 40°C)
| 0.0005
| * Cadpak Hd100: 1 (2018)<br>* Cepac Hd100: 3 (2015)
| | [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hrRp-v2zCU76btsoTS0cHVJmiA-rMjEzG6iw07Np2oA/edit?tab=t.0 HD-100]
! [[CadPak barrier film|Cadpak]] HD-200
| Super heavy Duty barrier packaging: water-vapor proof, grease proof, flexible, heat-sealable<br>Biax [[Nylon]]/[[Polyethylene|PE]]/Cross-lam PE/[[Polyethylene|PE]]/[[Aluminum foil|Foil]]/Heavy Duty Coex
| 10.3 
| 0.0005 (90% RH, 40°C)
| 0.0005
| * Cadpak Hd200: 1 (2018)
| [https://docs.google.com/document/d/19T8OXd1fJN_zXg2LNJI_xR7NLcYnqwCw2pZxBqb5RY0/edit?tab=t.0 HD-200]
| [[Aclar]] UltRx 6000
! [[Aclar]] UltRx 6000
| [[polychlorotrifluoroethylene|polychlorotrifluoroethylene]]  
| A single layer barrier film for moisture and oxygen that is heat-sealable. <br> [[polychlorotrifluoroethylene|polychlorotrifluoroethylene]]  
| 6.0 Mils  
| 6.0   
| 0.0047  
| 0.0047  
| 27.9  
| 27.9  
| * n/a
| [https://www.professionalplastics.com/professionalplastics/AclarFilmDataSheet.pdf Data sheet]
| Peralux
! Peralux
| [[Polyvinyl chloride]]\Aclar
| A two layer product with very good thermoformability.<br>[[Polyvinyl chloride|PVC]]/[[Aclar]]
| 6.0 Mils 
| 6.0  
| 0.03 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 0.03 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 14.8
| 14.8
| * n/a
| [https://www.perlenpackaging.com/fileadmin/av_perlen/4_Downloads/Flyer/PP_PERLALUX_Duplex.pdf Datasheet]
| kp (Pentapharm)
! Filmpak 1193
| [[polyvinyl chloride]] (PVC)\Aclar\PVdC\PVC
| A transparent, multi-layer barrier film that is easier to heat seal than Aclar<br>[[Polyester]] 0.9 mil/[[polyethylene|PE]] 1.7 mil/[[Aclar]] 0.0003 mil/[[Polyethylene|PE]], 2.5 mil
| 3.0 Mils 
| 4.9  
| 0.35 (38°C 90%RH)
| 0.18
| Filmpak 1193
| [[Polyester]]\[[polyethylene]]\[[Aclar]]\Polyethylene
| 4.9 Mils 
| 0.03 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 0.03 (90% RH, 100°F)
| 0.05  
| 0.05  
| * n/a
| [https://conservationsupportsystems.com/product/show/filmpak-1193-barrier/barrier-films Datasheet]
| [[Escal|ESCAL]]
! [[Escal|ESCAL]]
| [[polypropylene]]\Silica deposited [[polyvinyl alcohol]]\ LLDPE
| A semi-transparent, moisture and oxygen barrier film for use with RP scavengers<br>[[polypropylene|PP]]/Silica deposited [[polyvinyl alcohol]]/[[Low density polyethylene|LLDPE]]
| 114 microns
| 4.7
| 0.01 (25°C 60%RH)
| 0.01 (25°C 60%RH)
| 0.05 (25°C 60%RH)
| 0.05 (25°C 60%RH)
| * n/a
| [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233013308_The_heat_sealing_of_EscalR_barrier_films McPhail et al]
| EVOH/nylon barrier film
! EVOH/nylon barrier film
| [[EVOH]], [[nylon]]
| [[EVOH]]/[[nylon]]
| 3.0 Mils  
| 3.0   
| 2.3 cc/m2 per 24hr.
| 2.3  
| * n/a
! Tyvek barrier film
| Strongest and most durable barrier film available<br>[[Tyvek]]/[[polyethylene|PE]]/[[Aluminum foil|Foil]]/[[Polyethylene|PE]]/
| 8.5 
| 0.005
| 0.01
| * n/a
| [https://conservationsupportsystems.com/product/show/tyvek-barrier/barrier-films Data sheet]
Note: The [https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/Project:Combined_Materials_Testing_Results_(Search_Builder) AIC Materials Testing Results page] provides information on Oddy tests that were completed on these materials.  Access their database, then use the search box to locate materials of interest.
== Synonyms and Related Terms ==
== Synonyms and Related Terms ==
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== Resources and Citations ==
== Resources and Citations ==
* David McPhail, Eric Lam, Adrian Doyle, '[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233013308_The_heat_sealing_of_EscalR_barrier_films The heat sealing of Escal barrier films]' The Conservator 27(1) Jan 2003.
* M.Elkhial, N.El Hadidi, [https://heritagesciencejournal.springeropen.com/counter/pdf/10.1186/s40494-022-00663-z.pdf 'Assessing the suitability of new film laminates for sustainable insect eradiation by modified atmosphere in museums'], Heritage Science, 10:28, 2022.
* M.Elkhial, N.El Hadidi, [https://heritagesciencejournal.springeropen.com/counter/pdf/10.1186/s40494-022-00663-z.pdf 'Assessing the suitability of new film laminates for sustainable insect eradiation by modified atmosphere in museums'], Heritage Science, 10:28, 2022.
* P.Hatchfield, ''Pollutants in the Museum Environment'', Archetype Press, London, 2002.  
* P.Hatchfield, ''Pollutants in the Museum Environment'', Archetype Press, London, 2002.  
* J.Burke, "Vapor Barrier Films" WAAC Newsletter, Vol 14, No. 2, 199, 13-17.
* John Burke, [https://cool.culturalheritage.org/waac/wn/wn14/wn14-2/wn14-204.html Vapor Barrier Films], WAAC Newsletter, Vol.14(2), 1992.
* Boise Cascade Paper Group, ''The Paper Handbook'', Boise Cascade, Portland OR, 1989
* Boise Cascade Paper Group, ''The Paper Handbook'', Boise Cascade, Portland OR, 1989
* ''Dictionary of Building Preservation'', Ward Bucher, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York City, 1996
* ''Dictionary of Building Preservation'', Ward Bucher, ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York City, 1996
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* Theodore J. Reinhart, 'Glossary of Terms', ''Engineered Plastics'', ASM International, 1988
* Theodore J. Reinhart, 'Glossary of Terms', ''Engineered Plastics'', ASM International, 1988
* Art and Architecture Thesaurus Online, https://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/aat/, J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles, 2000
* Art and Architecture Thesaurus Online, https://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/aat/, J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles, 2000
* Mid-South Packaging: [https://midsouthpackaging.com/ Data sheets]
[[Category:Materials database]][[Category: MWG]][[Category: Sheet/Film, Composite]][[Category: Laminates]][[Category: Comparisons]]
[[Category:Materials database]][[Category: MWG]][[Category: Sheet/Film, Composite]][[Category: Laminates]][[Category: Comparisons]]

Latest revision as of 12:30, 18 February 2025

Water Vapor Transmission Rates
Source: * John Burke, Vapor Barrier Films
Oxygen Transmission Rates
Source: * John Burke, Vapor Barrier Films


A material, such as plastic, paper or metal, that is impermeable to gas or liquid. Modern barrier materials are usually made from lightweight transparent plastic sheets whose goal is to reach the barrier properties of a metal or glass. Metal sheets, such as Aluminum foil have good barrier properties. They are often laminated with Polyethylene and/or Nylon film to provide tear and corrosion resistance. Some plastics also work well as vapor barriers (Polyvinylidene chloride, Polyester, rigid Polyvinyl chloride, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene, Polyvinyl fluoride) while others are best for moisture (Polyvinyl chloride, Regenerated cellulose, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polymethyl methacrylate (Hatchfield 2002). Multiple materials are laminated for optimized barrier properties. For anoxia treatments, films with low oxygen permeability are best.

Barrier Film Comparisons

  • Single layer barrier films, such as used for short term applications include cling wrap (polyvinylidene) shrink wrap (polyethylene) and nylon (polyamide) films.
  • Double-layer films made by thermoforming one material to another provide a better balance of impermeability to both moisture and oxygen, thus providing protection for longer durations. Multi-layer films provide the best protection and usually include combinations of the following: Ethylene-Vinyl alcohol (EVOH), aluminum foil, metallized polyester, nylon, and polyvinylidene chloride. Polyethylene and/or polypropylene are often used to adhere layers together.

Some commercial brands of heat-sealable, laminated barrier films include:

Tradenames Description
Composition layers
Water-vapor transmission
gm/m2 per 24 hours
Oxygen transmission
cc/m2 per 24 hours
Recorded tests
Brand name: number (dates)
See note below.
Data sheet link
Marvelseal 360 Superior tear and puncture resistance from air, light, and moisture; approved for direct food contact
4.6 - 5.2 0.0006 - 0.009 (90% RH, 100°F) 0.009 (@ 0 RH, 73°F) * Marvelseal 360: 1 (2018) Data sheet 1
Data Sheet 2
FR 2175
formerly Marvelseal 470
Superior tear and puncture resistance as well as protection from air, light, and moisture vapor
5.0 - 5.6 0.0005 - 0.009 (90% RH, 100°F) 0.009 (0 RH, 73°F) * Marvelseal 470: 1 (2019) Data sheet
Cadpak N Strong foil barrier material for very low oxygen and moisture levels
Biax Nylon/PE/Foil/PE
4.2 0.0005 (90% RH, 40°C) 0.0005 * Cad Pak N: 1 (2019) Cadpak-N
Cadpak HD-100 Heavy Duty barrier packaging: water-vapor proof, grease proof, flexible, heat-sealable
Biax Nylon/PE/Foil/PE/Heavy Duty Coex
7.3 - 7.9 0.0005 (90% RH, 40°C) 0.0005 * Cadpak Hd100: 1 (2018)
* Cepac Hd100: 3 (2015)
Cadpak HD-200 Super heavy Duty barrier packaging: water-vapor proof, grease proof, flexible, heat-sealable
Biax Nylon/PE/Cross-lam PE/PE/Foil/Heavy Duty Coex
10.3 0.0005 (90% RH, 40°C) 0.0005 * Cadpak Hd200: 1 (2018) HD-200
Aclar UltRx 6000 A single layer barrier film for moisture and oxygen that is heat-sealable.
6.0 0.0047 27.9 * n/a Data sheet
Peralux A two layer product with very good thermoformability.
6.0 0.03 (90% RH, 100°F) 14.8 * n/a Datasheet
Filmpak 1193 A transparent, multi-layer barrier film that is easier to heat seal than Aclar
Polyester 0.9 mil/PE 1.7 mil/Aclar 0.0003 mil/PE, 2.5 mil
4.9 0.03 (90% RH, 100°F) 0.05 * n/a Datasheet
ESCAL A semi-transparent, moisture and oxygen barrier film for use with RP scavengers
PP/Silica deposited Polyvinyl alcohol/LLDPE
4.7 0.01 (25°C 60%RH) 0.05 (25°C 60%RH) * n/a McPhail et al
EVOH/nylon barrier film EVOH/Nylon 3.0 2.3 * n/a
Tyvek barrier film Strongest and most durable barrier film available
8.5 0.005 0.01 * n/a Data sheet

Note: The AIC Materials Testing Results page provides information on Oddy tests that were completed on these materials. Access their database, then use the search box to locate materials of interest.

Synonyms and Related Terms

barrier plastic; barrier film; barrier board; vapor barrier; vapour barrier; air barrier; air infiltration barrier; Marvelseal® 360; Marvelseal® 470; Aclar® [AlliedSignal]; Filmpak 1193; Film O-Rap [Bell Fibre]; ESCAL; EVOH/nylon; Sperrschichtmaterial (Deut.); matériau barrière (Fr.); barreira (Port.)

Resources and Citations