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Mass spectrum of dichlorvos


A colorless, toxic liquid Insecticide that has been commonly used in plastic insect strips. Dichlorvos has a high vapor pressures and when it is impregnated in the plastic strips, it will slowly evaporate over a three month period. It is most effective against flying insects and only effective for cockroaches in a sealed container (Zycherman and Shrock 1988). Dichlorvos functions as a cholinesterase inhibitor. In the presence of water, dichlorvos can decompose. Some metals (Iron, Steel, Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, Lead, and Silver) have tarnished when exposed to the vapors from dichlorvos strips (Zycherman and Shrock 1988). In 1995, the use of dichlorvos was restricted for all applications except for impregnated strips used in outdoor insect traps.



Chemical structure


Synonyms and Related Terms

dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate; 2,2-dichlorodivinyldimethyl phosphate; DDVP; dichlorovos; Al-20; Vapona® strips [Shell]; Vaportale® [Shell]; No-Pest® strips [Spectrum]; Vaponite; Nuvan; Dichlorman; Estrosol; Herkol; Nogos; Sheltox


  • Toxic by inhalation, skin absorption and ingestion causing headache, vomiting, convulsions and cardiac irregularities.
  • Carcinogen and suspected teratogen by ingestion.
  • Can corrode metals.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Miscible with ethanol and most nonpolar solvents. Slightly soluble in water. Decomposes in quickly in alkalis and slowly in water.

Composition C4H7Cl2O4P
CAS 62-73-7
Density 1.415 g/ml
Molecular Weight Mol. wt. = 220.98
Boiling Point 140 C

Resources and Citations

  • L. Goldberg, A History Of Pest Control Measures In The Anthropology Collections, National Museum Of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, JAIC (35):23-43, 1996
  • J. Dawson, CCI Technical Bulletin, 'Solving Museum Insect Problems: Chemical Control' , Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa, No. 15
  • Lynda A. Zycherman, J.Richard Schrock, A Guide to Museum Pest Control, FAIC and Association of Systematics Collections, Washington DC, 1988
  • Pam Hatchfield, Pollutants in the Museum Environment, Archetype Press, London, 2002
  • Website: www.speclab.com/compound/c62737

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