Red iron oxide

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Red iron oxide


Turned off - same as iron oxide red- Iron oxides, in hydrated and anhydrous forms, produce a wide variety of red shades ranging from light, bright red to a deep purplish red. They can be natural, earth pigments (Hematite, Indian red, Venetian red) or synthetically prepared pigments (Light red). All iron oxide reds are stable, permanent pigments with good tinting strength. Iron oxides generally provide the color in ochers and siennas.

Synonyms and Related Terms

red iron oxide; red ocher; red ochre; haematite; hematite; Indian red; caput mortum; rouge; Persian red;Tuscan red, Pompeian red; light red; Venetian red; terra Pozzuoli; English red; pozzuolana, terra di Pozzuoli; bengara (Jap.); benigara (Jap.); Roter Ocker (Deut.)

Physical and Chemical Properties

Mohs Hardness 5.5 - 6.5
Density 4.2-5.3 g/ml


Properties of Common Abrasives

Resources and Citations

  • Ralph Mayer, A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques, Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 1969 (also 1945 printing)
  • R.Feller, M.Curran, C.Bailie, 'Identification of Traditional Organic Colorants Employed in Japanese Prints and Determination of their Rates of Fading', Japanese Woodblock Prints, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, 1984